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Trust the Preacher?

(Disclaimer: This article is not about taking a preacher’s “word for it” when it comes to the bible. You should always study the bible yourself to be sure of the truth because preachers can make mistakes. Instead, this article is about your relationship with the preacher.)

Let’s talk about preachers for a minute. I’ve preached full time for a little over two years and have gotten to know many preachers both in the church of Christ and of many denominations. Would it surprise you to know that only 42% of Americans trust preachers and other ministers or is that just to be expected? The same article showed that 82% of Americans are quick to trust nurses, so why the big gap?

One answer is that the one bad preacher in a group of 100 is the one shaping your perspective on the rest. That’s how is goes with a lot of folks. Racism, sexism, and other “-isms” are founded on letting a small group define the others. When it comes to ministers, some folks have gone as a far as to give up on God or the church because of a bad interaction with a careless, unequipped, or misunderstood preacher. Something bad goes down and they never go to church again.

Another reason why people aren’t quick to trust preachers is because they’re paid for everything they do. “He has to be a good Christian / has to talk to me / has to serve me because his job depends on it.” To that I say, “Sure it does, but that’s not the point.” I wouldn’t think it right for a preacher to hold his position and be living in unrepentant sin or forsaking the truth, but keeping a job is hardly the reason a minister does what they do. Just ask them why they got in ministry in the first place.

In the bible, evangelists (preachers) were people transformed by the gospel and spreaders of the word of God. In Eph 4, they are told to equip the church for ministry in a partnership with the elders. Paul’s description of the “Lord’s servant” in 2 Tim 2 is “not quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil.” He is to “flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.” Is there no one out there like this anymore?

The truth is, those preachers do exist. I know of several. They are men who are dedicated to the Lord and are genuinely in love with Jesus and his word. These men would lay down their lives so that others might be saved. They don’t let earthly thinking cloud their judgment but seek to follow the Lord’s way in everything.

I don’t understand exactly why preachers are taken for granted, why they are expendable, why they’re just a hired hand, but there are always going to be folks that see them that way. I am thankful for the many Christians that view their preacher in biblical way, recognizing when a man’s heart is truly set on the Lord. For those of you who are skeptical, why? What reason do you have to view the preacher any differently than another church member? Leave a comment, tell me your story, let me know what you think, and have a very blessed day.


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