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Faith Alone On Judgment Day

Very recently, I was discussing God’s plan for salvation with an individual who was insistent that Christians are justified by faith alone. He used Romans 3:28 to defend his position but failed to realize some important truths concerning that passage and what makes a person right with God. The passage he was referring to, though often used to defend that point, is not arguing justification by faith alone. "Alone" does not even appear in the text. Rather, Paul is simply saying that participating in the works of the law (the law of Moses) will not save you. Verse 20 reveals the same teaching. I am not entirely sure why people believe that “belief alone” is the right method of salvation, but it certainly seems attractive. No accountability, no necessary struggling against temptation and sin, what an easy life! But is this what God wants and instructs?

The reason why I say “belief alone” is because of what James wrote in James 2:24,26. “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” Faith without works isn’t even faith at all, it’s dead. It is only belief. James said in James 2:19 that even the demons believe, almost to say, “What set’s you apart from them?” The answer of course, as it is recorded, is works.

Justification is the process of moving a person from being "in the wrong" to being "in the right" with God. When God justifies a person He makes them righteous, labels them as such. What makes a person righteous? God, but on account of our obedience and work towards Him in response to His love and sacrifice.

“Wait, so you’re saying works are necessary? That a person is justified by works?” No, I’m telling you God said it (2 Timothy 3:16-17). But how can this be and how can we know for sure? One way to get a clear answer is to see how God is going to judge in the end. Open up your bible and see what the Lord says in His word.

If God is going to judge us by what we do in this life, how can just believing in Him save us? It can't. God Himself reveals the contrary in His word and this is bad news for a lot of folks. Jesus Himself said in Matt 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Perhaps there will be fewer people in heaven than previously thought, for it is a narrow and hard way that leads to life.

Moving Forward

I understand that for many this teaching sounds absurd. How dare someone say something so blasphemous about how God saves? How can one put a limit on God's grace? Well, I honestly and whole heartedly believe there is no limit to the grace a person can receive. However, God, not I, has revealed to you today how to receive it. This may sound unbelievable because of how many friends and neighbors live according to "belief alone" but if God is going to judge us by faith and obedience then we must live by faith and obedience. This is why it is so important to preach the gospel and to convince others to obey it.

Please consult the word of God today. Find out what the truth is. Do not be blinded by what seems right, but see the light that comes from God about what is right. His love will always be amazing because anyone who desires to know that love is able to come. God shows no partiality. God is mighty and powerful and worthy of all, even our lives. Have you given Him your life, or is there need for further commitment? I beg of you today, that you make sure you are doing the Lord's will and are a true disciple abiding in the word of Jesus.

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