Bridging The Gap...
No one in any culture and any time can doubt the clear and undeniable truth that our world is divided. Some of the divisions we have are positive. These divisions make us all unique and different. There are other divisions, however, motivated by selfish desires that result in racism, jealousy, fighting, wars, and hatred between people who once loved each other.
Peter calls us in 1Peter 3:8 to be of one mind, to have sympathy towards one another, to love each other, and to be humble. With all the division in the world that sets us against each other, it is our duty as Christians to unite together and convince the world to join Christ in our fold. Bridging The Gap is about mending the divisions that we have with each other, following truth, teaching it in love to others who don’t know the truth, and pursuing a closer union with each other and our Lord.
… Between Children and Parents
One division that is common between both Christians and non-Christians is the communication gap between children and their parents. Children are getting more and more information from the internet and continue to be bombarded by peers to act a certain way and to believe certain things. Spiritual negligence from a parent will only heighten the problem of selfishness and unbelief in the world. Luckily the Bible teaches us everything we need to know about parenting and being respectful and godly children. Our mission is to use God’s word to help bridge the gap between children and their parents.
… Between the Young and the Old
The generation gap between the young and the elderly in the church is often accompanied with a communication gap that divides the church. Older generations have their biases and beliefs just like younger generations. The beliefs and judgments that we make about each other can ruin the unity of the church. When we do this, we forget the words of 1 Corinthians 12:12 - “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” You may be 85 or you may be 10, but that doesn’t make you better than the other. Our mission is to use God’s word to help bridge the gap between generations.
… Between 1st Century Christians and Today’s Christianity
There are so many sects and divisions in the world who wear the name Christian today that it’s difficult to figure out who’s right. Sometimes, we allow others’ beliefs to determine what we believe about Christ, the church, and His word. We also make the mistake of reading the Bible like it was written in the 21st century and forget about the context and purpose for why the scriptures were written. God, being the most perfect being and ultimate communicator, has revealed His will for mankind and has left no room for various interpretations. Our mission is to use God’s word to bridge the gap between 1st century Christianity and today’s Christianity.
… Between Believers and Unbelievers
Some people in this world have not yet come to know the truth of the gospel. Whether by ignorance or by circumstance, unbelievers continue to live lives without faith in God and walk blindly in the dark towards destruction. Acts 4:12 reveals that salvation can only be found in Jesus and therefore making it impossible to be saved without him. As ambassadors for Christ, Christians have the obligation and the honor of sharing the good news with the lost. Jesus showed compassion on the sheep without a shepherd and so must Christians. Our mission is the bridge the gap between believers and unbelievers.
… Between Truth and Tradition
Often times, churches will accidently blur the lines between what is right and what is a matter of opinion. Tradition in itself can be a good thing being that it provides structure, regularity, and efficiency. But when a person takes tradition to be more important than what scripture commands it becomes sin. In the same way progress for the sake of progress can also blur the lines of truth and therefore must be treated with forethought and godly purpose. Our mission is to bridge the gap and to draw the lines between truth and tradition.
… Between God and Man.
The truth of God’s word is essential to our salvation. It provides for us a message about our Creator so that we may come to know Him, love Him, obey Him, and trust Him as we travel through life. Sometimes we get confused about what God wants for us and what His will is for our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves looking in the wrong places time and time again searching for answers about the one who has the power of life and death. The Bible has the answers. Let’s figure them out together. Our mission is about bridging the gap between God and man.
As we study together and consider God’s word let us consider how to build our bridges, unify with each other, and unify with the one true God of heaven.
Yours in Christ,